Here's a pretty interesting tidbit, an early secret of sorts from the making of Phantasm Ravager. Many phans took sharp notice of the giant silver sphere hovering over Reggie in the film's initial teaser. They noticed again when that same massive sphere appeared to destroy a skyscraper with its lasers in Don Coscarelli and David Hartman's "Unwrapping the new Phantasm sequel" video.
As it turns out, that skyscraper shot was a re-purposed clip of demolition stock footage from ShutterStock. The Ravager team simply composited in the giant sphere and its lasers and nicely so. You can actually own the clip itself starting at $19 for web use and going all the way up to $79 for the HD version over on the video's page.
The featured building was a university tower located in Frankfurt, Germany. It was leveled on February 2, 2014. You can see a news story showing a different angle on the explosion here. I'm sure Phantasm's many German phans, who know the film as Das Böse, will be thrilled to see their country feature in the new movie.
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